Miftari, Osman (village Viduzu, Gostivar, 15. ⅴ 1915 – Skopje, 2000) – a lawyer. He completed Great Medresa in Skopje (1936), and then graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade (1940). At the time of the Noob for some time was in a camp in Pristina. After the liberation, he was president of the District Board of NFM and a Trustee for Finance of the District People’s Board in Skopje, then a judge in the Supreme Court of NRM (1947/51), President of the District Court and President of the National Board of the Municipality of Gostivar (1951/60) , chairman of the NBR of the SFRY, a member of the Main Board of the SSRM and the Federal Board of SSRNJ, a member of the CCM, a member of the continued part of the SCM Conference, President of the Supreme Court of SRM (1967/75) and a judge of the Constitutional Court of SRM ( 1975/84). Joint editor of the collection of the court decisions of the Supreme Court of Macedonia “(Skopje, 1975). BIB.: They did not devoted as livestock, “chained in Praxi”, Skopje, 1981, 191-196. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИФТАРИ, Осман