Middle Marko Towers

Jungle – Markovi Kuli (village monastery, Mariovo) – a late antique established settlement and medieval fortress. The two lofty of hilly jerk is convertered with massive pademic walls. In the southeast and southwestern part of the fortress there are remains of a three-nave basilica and a smaller church, and in their immediate vicinity and the wider space remains of economic and residential buildings. In the southern and northern Korab and in the northern department from the Basilica, six medieval grave structures were found. Late antique objects belong to a small settlement from ⅳ- ⅵ., From which in the Middle Ages part of the fortification and sacred, economic and residential buildings have been restored. The findings of a coin from John Timski, the few minor samples of bronze jewelry from ⅹ-ⅻ c., The numerous presence of fragments of medieval ceramic vessels and wrought iron objects of the entire space of the exhaustion of the hill confirm the existence of the fortress and part of the facilities through the middle ages. Lit.: N. Chausidis, several late antique salary in Mariovo, Macus. Acta Arzhaeel. “, 13, Skopje 1993, 221-226; I. Ikucricic, medieval towns and fortresses in Macedonia, Skopje, 1996, 261-263. L. K.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРАДОК Маркови Кули

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