Microflora of river ecosystems in Macedonia

Microflora of river ecosystems in Macedonia. River ecosystems in Macedonia are under a variety of anthropogenic pressure, followed by a different level of trophicism and sacrivacy and different, very variable microflora. Ditomens are one of the most widespread, but also environmentally friendly groups algae. Vardarele of the microflor of the river ecosystems The Skip basin is far more detailed and commonly known by the Adriatic (Rivers Radika and Crn Drim) and the Aegean (River Strumica). Establishing from Vrutok to Gevgelija, the river Vardar is characteristic of the level, of trophicism and sacrivacy, which is especially pronounced in cities and places close to industrial centers. The flora is initially oligotrophic and oligosarobic (Diaatoma Hsmalis, D. Meat), characteristic of rivers with fast flow and good aeration. Furthermore, water quality varies between mesosarbic and polysoprocare, ie meso and eutrophone with the greatest stage of the naunch of Sensu Lato, Enceonema Minount, Nitzschia SPP, as indicators for this type of water. A similar trend is also noted for other rivers from the Vardar basin for which there are data, with the microflora typical of similar ecosystems in Europe. For the rivers Radika, Crn Drim and Strumica, as well as there are no data on the structure and the representation of the algalo microflora. St. K. Ivan Mikulcic

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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