Metodija Mitevycre “(Skopje, 16. and 1950) – School of physical culture, founded by the Commission for Physical Education of the Government of the SRM, in order to educate expert staff for schools and sports organizations. At first it was housed in the premises of DTV “Partizan” I. Since 1962/1963 he received his own facility in the settlement “Crnice” and received the current name. From the school year 1951/52 to 1967/68, when he ceased, he completed a total of 668 expert teachers in physical education, of which 490 male and 178 female. After 1968 works as a middle-targeted school. Lit.: Dusan Stanimirovic, the establishment of staffing schools in Macedonia, “Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Physical Education”, Skopje, 1988, 115-117. D. S.
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