Mehmeti, Shazim.

Mehmeti, Shazim (Shazim Mehmeti) (village Balindol, Gostivar, 1958) – poet, painter and publicist. Primary education ended in birthplace, and a gymnasium in Gostivar. He is a Master in Technical Sciences in the field of grasmetime Mehmeti. So far, there have been a three stand-alone exhibitions. He lives and works in Gostivar. AV-TOR is a dozen books in the field of literature and essay. BIB :: Play of pain, poetry, 2004; Fragments, prose, 2005; Fear, Brees, Tetovo, 2006. A. P. Dimitar Mecv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МЕХМЕТИ, шазим

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