Macedonian texts with Greek letter

Macedonian texts with a Greek letter – during the long political domination under the Ottoman Turks, according to their theocratic system, Balc. Right. Peoples fell under the spiritual power of the Patriarch of the status of Rum-Millet. In his hands, the Church had the education, in which it was taught on a cramp. J. And with a cramp. Letter. After the abolition of the independent Ohrid Archbishopric (1767), and especially after the liberation of Greece, under the pressure of the fanary bishops, Slavic literacy was completely squeezed from the southern part of Macedonia. First printed Maked. Text (from the Ohrid speech) appeared in the fourth of Daniel Moscopopolic (1802) in Venice. With this vocabulary-conversion of about 200 phrases, the author had the goal of the Balk. Peoples (Vlachs, Macedonians, Albanians) to facilitate the teaching of a cramp. J. What was used in churches and schools and substantiate the elimination. However, under the formal loyalty to the Patriarchate, he achieved a reverse effect: affirming the folk language, he was awakened and their NATION. awareness. In the 30s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. In southern Macedonia began to be translated into Macedonia. with a cramp. Letter of instructions, dictionaries, prayers, etc., and in the middle of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Print translations are printed: Konikovski weekly Evang. Pavel Bozhgropski (Thessaloniki 1852) and the Kunakian of Eustathius Kikrijadis (1860). P. Bozhre: weekly Gospel (Thessaloniki, 1852) S.T. Neurocopic (Trlasco) EV. (1870-80). Miladinovci’s collection was first written with cramp. Letter, so S.T. Prior to printing in Zagreb prescribed by Konstantin Miladinov with Cyrillic. Trade and craft administration and private correspondence of Macedonia is preserved. With a Greek letter from ⅹⅰⅹ c., which means that this practice was widespread and in the masses. Lit.: BL. Koneski, grammar of Macedonia. LIT. J., SK. 1982, 26-30; B. Ristovski, knowledge, MANU, SK., 2001, 13, 132, 322; P. HR. Ilievski, Balc. Lingu.. Studies, SK. 1988, 15-29; & Two letters of the article to the family in Ohrid on Macedonia. with a cramp. Letter, attachments MANU, Oll, 15, 1, Sk. 1991, 27-40; &, Maked. Translation of the throne foreseen., Attachments, MANU, Oll, 28, 1, Sk. 2003, 37-38; &, Tradition and innovation in Macedonia. Church. Literary monuments from the Turkish period, MANU, 2005, 272-287, 315-319. P. HR. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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