Macedonian Review

Macedonian Review “(Sofia, 25. ⅴ 1905 – 24. ⅶ 1907) – Political Journal, the VMORO body. He first went out to 10 and 25 in the month, as “fifteen-day political Journal”, and then as a “weekly political Journal”. Editor was Nikola Naumov, and was printed in the Sofia printing house “Dnevnik”. He had a title “Macedonian Review”, and then “Macedonian Review” (from No. 13). A total of 69 numbers were published. It contains more reviews of the events of the Ilinden Uprising. In the first year contained an illustrated literary attachment (No. 1-16) in the editorial of Andrei opposite. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokovv, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980, 204-206; Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 76.S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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