Macedonian nation

The Macedonian nation – a historical category that in two phases marks the development path of the Macedonian people: a) ethnocultural and b) the national political and social-economic phase. The modern Macedonian people as a socio-economic and cultural and political formation of the Balkans begins its shaping on the basis of historical traditions and ancient mythologies and it is beginning to shape the creation of Slavic state formations (ⅵ-ⅸ c.) And through Christianization and creation of Slavic literacy and culture (ⅸ and the beginning of X c.) He reaches church-state unification and independence (J-ⅺ c.) With all the rebellious and Byzantine conflict-Serbian formations (ⅺ- ⅹⅳ c. -Cashin and Marko and the performance of the IToman Ottoman Ethno-cultural amalgatory (ⅹⅳ – the beginning of ⅹⅹ c.). This long-lasting development process comes to gradual variation of the namely marking of the people in Macedonia: from the ethno-territorial traditional self-appointment Macedonian and then Cartins / Slavic, and S “to state renamations of Bulgarian, Rome and Serbian, followed by conglomerative Slavological and through The synonymous Nurrent and Western European Revaluation of the historical name has stabilized with the return of always the living Macedonian self-being. The Macedonian nation as a modern ethno-cultural matrix is ​​mainly in the period after the abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric (1767) and manifests itself from the beginning of ⅹⅰⅹ c. And as a differentiated ethnic Macedonian national consciousness, it is more pronounced than the 40s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. And they homogenize from the 70s, passing from the church-educational phase to the revolutionary-acquittal organized action characterized by rebellies and parallel ways and forms of cultural-national manifestations of organized associations and institutions. Propagands and wars break the sole territorial and ethno-cultural body of the Macedonians, but the developed consciousness finds shapes and ways in the fight for national freedom and the only state. The codification of the contemporary Macedonian language and the state idea (1903) were the two pillars of the national idea. The program and practical activity of the Line Movement and especially the MNLD and the Macedonian colony in Petrograd paved the basic direction of the national affirmation. The decision of the Comintern (1934) only in a sense made it easier for the final affirmation. Self-approved associations, such as the Macedonian literary circle in Sofia or the cultural and educational company “Vardar” in Zagreb, was only a demonstration of the internal developmental degree of the Macedonian national consciousness. The autochthonous national liberation struggle within the framework of the anti-fascist coalition (1941-1944) has enabled the AFonomic establishment of the Macedonian state, although only one part of the ethno-cultural territory of Macedonia. This completed the process of development and affirmation of Macedonians as a modern European nation and the regular course of its contemporary state-political constitution was launched. A network of educational-educational institutions in the mother tongue, branched university and scientific and research institutes (for Macedonian language, national history, folklore, ethnography, etc.,),), Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, National Libraries, Archives, Theaters (drama, opera, Ballet), museums, galleries, Philharmonic, publishing organizations and approaching classical and modern world science, literature and culture by organizing international seminars in the country and lectures in foreign universities in Macedonian language, literature and culture, international literary and cultural manifestations have been affirmed, As Struga Poetry Evenings, the Ohrid Summer, the Balkan Festival of People’s Songs and Games, etc. This cultural and social base was accompanied by accelerated economic and social development of municipalities and the state as a whole, which became an equal member of the UN and its bodies and bodies and thus achieved the final affirmation of the nation and internationally. All this created conditions and homogenization of the political nation in the Macedonian state, by synchronizing the legitimate interests of the Macedonian ethnic nation with guaranteed all rights and national political interests of individual ethnic communities on the general progress of the state, that is, the Macedonian political nation and its inclusion In the European Community of equal European nations. Bl. R. SP. “Macedonian archivist”, organ of the covenant of the archivists in MacedoniaMacedonian archivist”

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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