Lubble – Secondary mountain with the highest peak Kafchal (1,762 m). Belongs to the mountains of the Western Macedonian group. Stretches between the Cervico field to the west and northwest. With the upper course of the valley of Caeska River and the construction tower (1,320 m) is separated from Baba Sach. In the east continues in the bushet mountain, but it is separated from the Preference Studol (1,370 m), and the south is Demir Hisar. The geological composition is presented with limestone rocks that allowed intense karst erosion. It has a dinar direction of stretching SZ-Yi and are developed surface karst forms: Surch Royalty, Vrges, Uvali, small karst fields and scrubstated captures. T. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛУБЕН