Lizards (Sauria; Latthethylia) – The richest subordinate with species of reptiles (reptilia). Together with the snakes, they are involved in the order of scaly reptiles (the pity), because the body is covered with minor ranking shells. Typical land animals, mainly daily, with a pronounced ability to regenerate the tail, the so-called. Ontomania, with the exception of the Smygucts. In Europe, 79 types of lizards are known, from which in Macedonia live 12 types: gonk or house gesture (Cztropodium Cops), a short lizard (ABBPROHARUS KITABELIES), Macedonian Lizard (Divis Erkarties), live lizard (Laster Vivipara), Green Lizard (Laster Viridis), a large green lizard (Laster Trilinea), mountain lizard (Laster Agylis), a half ski lizard), Sky-Lest (wall) lizard (gifts Muralis), scaly lizard (almow lizard, blind, Blaver, Blavar, Mountain lizard, green lizard, shortly lizurge niroponztatus), blindness (Anguis Fragilis) and Blaver (Operusurus Apault). Litt.: E. N. Arnold, and Field Guide to TePe Reptiles and AMPMIBIANS OF STITIIN AND EUROPE, LONDON, 2002; D. Dukic – M. Kalesic, plaster Biodiversity OF AMPIBIANS AND REPTILEES InThe Balkan Peninsula, in: Graffiths, Tsstaffk – Red Ed., Balkan Biodovo, Dordenhat / Boston / London, 2004, 167-192; J-P. Gascz, A. Cabela, J. Blue-Isolitz, D. Landbook, K. Grosesenbacer, P. Hawfner, J. Leszure, H. Martens, J. Martinez Rica, H. Maurin, M. Oliveira, T. Sofianidow, M. Weith, A. Zuderjik, Atlas of Amphibits and Reptiles Inn europe, Paris, 1997. St. P. – V. Sid.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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