Lekic-spank, Danilo (village Krala, Andrevitsa, 23. ⅵ 1913 -?, 1986) – General Colonel. As a student after a philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and Danilo Lekic-KPANAC member of the CPY (1935), he was one of the leaders of the communist movement in the city, comed with Koco Racin. Soon after graduation (1936) he went as a volunteer of the Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War (July 1937 – February 1939), where he was commander at the Nexice School, a political commissioner of the battalion and V.D. Political Commissioner of ⅹⅰⅰⅰ International Brigade. There he collaborated with Trajko Mishkovski and jointly corresponded with K. Racin. In Noah, among other things, was the commander of the first proletarian Nou Brigade and commander of the twelfth Corps of Nova. After the liberation, he finished the Higher Academy “Vorosharov” in Moscow (1945) and the Higher Military Academy in Belgrade (1955). For some time, he was in active military service and commander of the fourth army of JNA, and then the FNRJ ambassador to Brazil and OAR, a permanent representative of the SFRY at the UN (1957). He was proclaimed for the folk hero of Yugoslavia. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Koco Racin. Historical-literary research, Skopje, 1983. S. Ml. Medicinal plants in the Republic of Macedonia
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛЕКИЌ-ШПАНАЦ, Данило