
Legidi (Ptolemaida) – Egyptian dynasty of Macedonian origin (323 BC – 30 G. Ex. HE). He founded Ptolemaj ⅰ Sotot (323-283), the son of LAG, after whom the dynasty received the name. He received the second name after the founder, Ptolemaj and, who chose Alexandria for his capital. The dynasty gave through twenty rulers of Egypt: Ptolemaj ⅱ Philadelph (283-246), Ptolemaj ⅲ Everget (246-221), Ptolemaj ⅳ Philonator (221-204), and from the time of Ptolemajepaphan (204-180) the power of lagides began to It declines, a period of dynastic fighting has begun, which lasted until the fall under Roman rule. The last ruler was Queen Cleopatra ⅶ (51-30). Vasilka Ladinsk

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАГИДИ

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