
Cleopatra ⅶ (Cleopatra) (69 – 10. ⅷ 30 eg.) – Egyptian Queen of Macedonian origin, the last ruler of the Macedonian dynasty of Ptolemaid, the daughter of Ptolemaj ⅻ. He first ruled Egypt along with a dam leaders Guy Julius Kayar and Guy Pompey, she helped Pompey with ships, soldiers and food (49 BC). It was forcibly removed from the throne of supporters of her cokewer Ptolemaj ⅹⅰⅰⅰ, but after his defeat from the Roman military leadership and statesman Guy Julius Kaisar, with his help, managed to restore the throne with the coaster Ptolemaj ⅹⅳ (the beginning of 47 eg. N.E.) . From the marital relationship with Kaisar, Ptolemaj, Kaaren (Kaesarion), was born. After the death of Sarar (44 eg.), In the civil war in the Roman state, he impooned the Roman military leader and statesman Mark Anthony. Together with him, he opposed the future first Rome Emperor Octavian August. But in the battle of the ACT (31 eg.) Suffered a heavy defeat. To avoid the shame of running in Rome in a triumph, he committed suicide, allowing him to bite the snake abuse. It was the end of the existence of the Egyptian Hellistic state of Ptolemaid. Not.: Plutarzhi, Vitala Parallele, Lipsiae, 1921; C. S. Traineyilles, de Vaa Tsasum, Lipsiae Inn Acyibus B. D. Tebinors, Mdczzchits. Lit.: Mr. H. Matsurds, Hellenistic Lovens, Baltimore, 1932; R. D. Sullivan, Naard Easter Rosalis and Rome, 100-30 BC, Toronto, 1990; H. Wolfman, Chlepatra: A cold In Politicus and Propaganda, Trans. T.J. Tsadouge, London, 1958. K. M.R. Klepa – Maleska Mountain, stretches south of Veles. From the west, the north and the East is limited by the valleys of the rivers: Sewage, Babuna and Vardar, and to the south with an apes head (1,110 m), the Ruen Mountain and the Valley of Crna Reka. The highest peak is quope (1,149 m), which represents volcanic nequ, and other more prominent peaks are wind (1,080 m), Gezica (921 m), etc. The geological composition is represented by the limestone, among which the crystalline Mount Mount Klepa shale are erupted in places. Klepa is a massive mountain, and only the extra sides and the higher parts occurs oak forest. The other part is with poor pastures. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КЛЕОПАТРА

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