Lee St.

Lee St. Cyril and Methodius, St. Clement and St. Naum Ohridski (from ⅸ-ⅹ c.), Desertors: St. Joachim Osogovski, St. Gavril Lesnovski and St. Prohor Pchinjski (from ⅺ c.); St. Hilarion Meglens, fighter against eretism (from ⅹⅰⅰ c.); St. Jovan Kukuzel (from ⅹⅳ c.), Credited with church singing, and martyrs for the Orthodox faith: St. Nectarius Bitola (from ⅹⅴ c.), St. Gorgi Kratovski, burned on the stake in 1515. In Sofia, St. Zlata Meglenska, suffered in 1795. and St. Spaso Radoviski, he suffered in 1774. Lit.: Mihailo Georgievski, Macedonian saints, Skopje, 1997. M. D. “Svto Annunciation”

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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