Lazarevski, Slobodan Krumev (village Orlanci, Kicevo, 1. IX 1939) – Spec. after maxillofacial surgery and prof. of st. f. in Skopje. Habilitated in 1980 He was verded on st. f. and director of the Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery. He is the author of 50 scientific and professional papers. Co-author of “Tumors in the Maxillofacial Slobodan Lazarevski Region” and “Ambulatory Dental Interventions”. E. M. Lazarists in Macedonia – members of the lazaristic mission, founded by the Catholic Church in Istanbul in 1776. In order to propose the Catholic faith between the Orthodox population of the Ottoman Empire. Lazarists spread the idea of a union with the Catholic Church. In Macedonia founded missions in Thessaloniki (1854) and Bitola (1856). A Catholic Church was built in Bitola and church choir was established. Lasistic school in French, subsidized by the French government, acquired particularly popularity. Lit.: Slavko Dimevski, Catholic propaganda and the Union movement in Macedonia (from the middle of a century to the Balkan Wars), a defended doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Philosophy, Skopje, 1961. M. Tash.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАЗАРЕВСКИ, Слободан Крумев