Lant, Horace Gray (Horac Mr. Lann) (Colorado Springs, USA, 12. IX 1918) – Member of MANA outside the working composition, linguist in the field of Slavistics and professor Emeritus at the University of Harvard, USA. Student of the famous linguist Roman Jakobson. He received his doctorate on the life of Boris Andrevich Pilnjak. His main interest is STR. (RSUL.), Protovenian and the Prague. He also dealt with a comparative study of Slavic languages, especially Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. For the Macedonian language, but also the language theory, it is particularly important for its grammar of the Macedonian literary language (and Grammar of the Machadonian Jie and Macedonian-English Dictionary. It is important for three things: 1) Consequential application of the structuralist method in full description of the Macedonian language, 2) reflects the earliest phase of the stabilization of the Macedonian literary language for its official standardization and is an important document for the history of our literary language, 3) There is an undivided contribution to the affirmation of the Macedonian language between scientific and student environments in America (USA and Canada), but also beyond Europe. BIB.: Old Zurzh Slavonitz Grammar, Nualter de Groser, 2001; A Grammar of the Machadonian literary, Skopje, 1952; Hysteras, Veljalism and Tezhen Longuage of Earlans Rus, “Slavitz and East European Journal, 34, 1, 1990. Lit.: Velemir Gurine, Horaca G. Lann, Encyclopedia Slovenije, 6, Lyubljanna, Youth Kneiga, 1992, 338-339; L. Spasov, two US grammars in modern Macedonian language, MANU, Skopje, 2003. Lj. SP. Ljuben Lape.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЛАНТ, Хорас Греј