Labor Day (May 1) – International Labor holiday, a symbol of proletarian solidarity in the memory of Chicago workers’ demonstrations (1886) for 8-hour working hours and social legislation. The decision for his celebration brought it ⅱ International. In Macedonia, it was first marked by the Young Turk Revolution, which, besides the expressed solidarity with the International Proletariat, were also highlighted by national liberation requirements under the motto: Macedonia of Macedonians and federalization of the Ottoman state. The manifestations at the time of the wars were for condemning the war and for indivisible Macedonia, as a separate state. In the period between the two world wars were condemned by occupying regimes and for the release and unification of Macedonia in an independent state. At the time of the NOB were celebrated under the sign of victory. After the liberation, he was declared a two-day public holiday. Lit.: The working and communist movement in Macedonia, Skopje, 1970; Chronology RadoGOg Post and Sky, 1919- 1970, Belgrade, 1980. O. Iv. Penny, a coin of contemporary national currency
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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