
Kutmicovica – an area where, according to the spacious life of Sts. Clement (Gl. 17) St. Clement started in Macedonia (886) its enlightenment activity, and when it was ordained for the first layout. epic. (893) St. St. Naum. Title K. Is known only from this place of cramp. Life of theophylact (written on the basis of a letter. The proposal), and documented by 9 manuscripts (6 of which in fragments). In the manuscripts of this cramp. Life, where 17 gł is preserved., Name K. It is taught differently coatmithisisan / s (Moske.-OHR.), Coatmitzitas (VA-Top.), etc., which shows that it was damaged (wrongly read by Glag. manuscript) still in the autograph. Therefore, it can not be determined exactly where the area was located and requires new allowance research. From the context and other mentioned names in GL. 17 However, it can roughly determine its boundaries with mainly seat gr. Devol in the upper course of r. Devol (in today’s Korca), where Knez Boris gave Clement three houses and (for rest) one end Ohrid and one in the head, probably somewhere in southern Albania. Lit.: N. L. Tunitsky, St. Clement, Bishop of Slavenius. Ego Steam and Enlightender Dyethel View, Sergiev Posad 1913, 151-190; Iv. Snarar, Bulgarian PLAROVINATIC Kliment Ohridski, “GSUBF”, 4 1926-7, 219-334; A. Milev, the greetings of Kliment Ohridski, S., 1966, 124-125, 156; Cr. Stancev – Mr. Popov, Kliment Ohridski. Life and Them, S., 1988, 17-18, 38-41; P. HR. Ilievski, the emergence and development of the Scriptures, SK., 2006, 305-315. P. HR. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КУТМИЧЕВИЦА

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