Kurtle, Vladimir (Pleven, 19. H 1888 – Sofia, ⅵ 1946) – Bulgarian, participant in the Macedonian revolutionary movement. He completed history and geography at the Sofia University. As a student became a member of the VMORO (1905), Chetnik in the Tikvesh Duke D. Daskalov (1907), participated in the battle of the “blade”. After the First World War he was a professor and director of the gymnasium in Kyustendil, president of the company “Ilinden”, a close associate of IV. Mihailov, Punk Chief of VMRO in Kyustendil (1926), Reserve Article (1928) and member of the Central Committee of VMRO (1932). In 1946 he was arrested by the authorities and Shot. Exhibition: Dump Archives, Konstadel, OP. 2, a. is. 101; Boris J. Nikolov, Volorely-District Revolóchion Organization. Duplus and rows (1893-1934). Biographic-bibliographic councilor, Sofia, 2001. Z. Todd. Saliu Kurtesh.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КУРТЕВ, Владимир