Kljusev, Nicholas.

Kljusev, Nicholas (Stip, 2. ⅹ 1927 – Skopje, 17 and 2008) – Economist, scientific researcher, UNIV. Professor, socialist, statesman, Litheart, academician. Elementary school and high school finished in the birthplace. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics in a white city (1953), where he defended the doctorate in the field of economic sciences (1964). After graduation he employed (1953) at the Institute for Scientific Research in the Industry of NRM in Skopje, first as expert, and then promoted to a senior expert associate (1960). In 1961 He shifted to the Institute of Economics in Skopje as a scientific and later senior research associate (1964). The Institute published five books and worked on several research projects. The Faculty of Economics in Skopje was elected Associate (1968) and for a full professor (1972). He was head of postgraduate studies in the field of economic development and economic analysis. He was a member of the Economic Council of the SFRY and the Economic Council of SRM; Member of the Central Board and the scientific Section of the Union of Economists of Yugoslavia, chairman of the Consortium of the Economic Institutes and a member of the Editorial Statement of the SP. “Economist”. He was the editor-in-chief of the SP. “Commercial Review”. Elected for Dean of the Faculty of Economics in Skopje (1985-1987). The next year is elected a member of MANU (1988). It becomes chairman of the first democratic government of independent RM (1991-1992). Elected president of the National Convention of Macedonia (1994) and the Council of VMROPMIN (1997). He performed the function of defense minister in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (2000). He was elected Head of the Center for Strategic Research in MANU (2002). His preoccupation is the theoretical and methodological aspects of investment and developmental problems. In this area, all scientific degrees achieved, from the doctoring to the election for academician. The Faculty of Economics in Skopje introduces two significant scientific disciplines, placed on modern bases: theory and policy of economic development and investment – theory, politics, economics – assessment and selection. His papers are unavoidable references to the development economy and investments in our country and beyond. The two disciplines have published textbooks used at all universities in the former Yugoslavia. He was a mentor of dozens of master’s and doctoral dissertations. In addition to teaching and postgraduate studies at several universities, he managed or worked on numerous domestic and international projects. His opus counts more than 300 relevant references: books, articles, studies, analyzes, elaborates and projects, which occupy a scale of microeconomic analyzes and grades to macro-samastic, theoretical elaborations and empirical studies. Bill of specializations and study stays in the United States (Forda Foundation of Universities Columbia in New York and Berkeley in San Francisco), in the UK (at Sussex University in Brighton and London Economic School), at the Academy of Sciences of The Soviet Union in Moscow and the Academy of Sciences in Poland in Warsaw, in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Washington, etc. He participated in international congresses of economists in Montreal, Madrid and Budapest. Within the international project “Instruments of Scientific Policy” (Straws) stayed in several countries (Barbados, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Egypt, India, Korea, Japan, England). In the area of ​​literature, I published books of poetry, essays and prose. In them, a record of an engaged intellectual and socialist is also manifested. BIB.: Activation period of investment, Skopje, 1963, 389; Theory and economic investment in Preertific, Skopje, 1968, 300; Effectiveness of investment in the industry of SR Macedonia, Skopje, 1969, 345; O Criteria and Methodaima Functions Economics Effective Investment, Skopje, 1965, 298; The selected works in 6 volumes: theory and policy of economic development. Tom 1; Investment: Theory – Politics – Economics, Volume 2; Problems of economic development, Volume 3; Investment-development problems, Volume 4; The path of Macedonian independence, Volume 5; Golden grain, Tom 6; Skopje, 2001. Poetry: antithesis, Skopje, 1994; Stone Island, Skopje, 1994; The strength of the word, Skopje, 1994; The Grauntele de Aur / De Postface de Dumitru M. Ion; Traducere: Dumitru M. Ion, Czarolina Ilica, bursts: “Orient, OCCIDENT”, 1985; Ode of the word, Skopje, 1994; Unspointed seed, Skopje, 1996; Glossary of Heart, Skopje, 2001; La Sense D’ior, Skopje, 2003; HASP CSISLEMELERERS, ANKARA, 2005; I send a solar beam, Skopje, 2006. Essays: Views and Changes, Skopje, 1994; Verba and fraud, (challenges; book 1), Skopje, 1997; Unlawful nights, (challenges; book 2), Skopje, 1998; Sight, (Challenges; Book 3), Skopje, 2000 Prose: Lehman (Chronicle of a Mladost), Roman, Skopje, 2003.: Newsletters at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “Skopje, the corresponding years; MANU News, the corresponding years. D. Five.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КЉУСЕВ, Никола

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