Karadetev, Mitko (Bogdanci, 6. IX 1959) – Doctor of biological sciences; Specialty – Mycology. Crucial for the development of mycology in Macedonia. The OS-Hearer of the Mycological Laboratory of the Institute of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Skopje. M. K. The Karadoen – People’s Musical Instrument of Persian-Arab Origin, from the Tambury family. It belongs to the group of two-scale tambouri, because it is used for two class united phase wires. The tone is produced with Ioannis Kapodistriarias small strokes of strings with the help of a pider. An express-caradise-carving from two parts – neck (with head) about 300-500 mm and corpus of about 140-200 mm or total length of about 750-900 mm. It was played solo, but it was even more often accompanied by the folk singing. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Linin, People’s Musical Instruments in Macedonia, Skopje, 1986, 40. F. M. F. Pance Karagozov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАРАДЕЛЕВ, Митко