Jovcevski-Korchagin, Rade

Jovcevski-Korchagin, Rade (Skopje, 14. 1919 – Skopje, 20. 1943) – Furnit, Communist Dice and Price. He worked in Belgrade (1937), where he was elected secretary of the branch of the Krnor and the leather workers (1938) and a member of the CPY (1939). After the April war (1941) he returned to Skopje, took part in the raiding actions, and then he was a member of the head of the first Skopje NOOP (1941). After the disadvantage of the squad, it was illegalized. In absentia he was sentenced to death by hanging (April 1942). He was deputy political commissioner of the second Skopje NOO (spring 1942) and the Kosovo NOOP, and after his breakdown (February 1943) it was illegalized in Skopje. He died after a break after killing a policeman. He was proclaimed for the folk hero of Yugoslavia (8. ⅹ 1953). Lit.: Dusko Atanasovski, Noob in the villages of Ljuboten, Tetovo, 1971; Aleksandar Spasovski, Skopje NOP Squad, Belgrade, 1971; Vasil Kunovski, Jovcevski Kosta Radekangin (1919-1943), folk heroes from Macedonia, Skopje, 1973, 144-149; Jovcevski Kosta Rade-Korchagin, “Young Fighter”, Jujia, 14-15, Skopje, 30. ⅳ 1975, 17. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈОВЧЕВСКИ-КОРЧАГИН, Раде

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