Joasaf ⅱ.

Joasaf ⅱ – Ohrid Archbishop (1719-1745), Macedonian from Slavic origin. He was Prespa Bishop until 4,709, when he was elected Metropolitan of the Gorcan (Korcan) Metropolis. He was elected Archbishop of Ohrid (18. ⅱ 1719). The Archbishop’s stay remained until death. He repaired the material position of the Archbishopric with the establishment of order and strict control of the spending of the funds from the church revenues and the donations of believers, regularly paid taxes and built a new Archbishopic Palace in Ohrid (between 1730-1735). In the Avriscan War, he conducted secret negotiations with the Vienna Palace (in the spring of 1737) for liberation and protection from Austria. Lit.: Mihailo Minoski, Negotiations of the Ohrid Archbishop Joasaf with Austria – Journal, official list of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, 4-5 and 6, 1973; Ivan Snarbar, the historus of the Ohrid Archbishopric (Patriarchi) from the Padan and under the Turks to the Universal Unichage (1394-1767). M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЈОАСАФ Ⅱ

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