Izmirlyev, Tom Dimitrov

Izmiriyev, Toma Dimitrov (Possud: FOM FOMMIC, Lóbibcek, Garbed Winsaj, Golgonko, Draca, Zvolichik, Boy Makedon, Boris Obior, etc.) (Kukush, 9. IX 1895 – Sofia, 22. Xi 1935) – a poet -humorist, the older brother of Hristo Srernenski. His father was an associate of Goce Delcev and a member of MK of TMORO in Kukush. He finished elementary school in Kukush, and then attended a gymnasium in Bitola. War family moved to Sofia (1913), where he visited the military school for some time. He received a scholarship to finish high school education in Constantinople (1914), and immediately then continued studies in medicine. His uncle Vladimir, he had already targeted her literary activity (1913). He himself, in turn, committed an appropriate influence on the smaller brother Hristo Srernenski. Due to the outbreak of World War I returned to Sofia, when it was mobilized and sent to the front. After demobilizing (1918) worked as an official and dealt with literary activity. He became a member of the BCP (1921), he was a member of the Marketing Commission of the CC of BCP and traveled by party tasks in the USSR, Turkey and Austria. Because of the opposition from the authorities, he moved to Haskovo (after April 1925). Later he was employed in the Sofia district financial palace (1932). He was an associate of the SP. “Drum” (1914 & 1921), “Bulgaran” (1916 & 1924) and “Cherven Smek” (1919-1923), c. “K’vo is” (1913) “People’s Army” (1920 & 1923), “… Tunar” (1932 & 1935), “Utrine Power”, etc. He was an editor of the SP. “Masquerad” (1922), and on the recommendation of the BCP, along with the Cr. Kulawkov, raised the humorous SP. “Zvanar” (1924). He is the author of several books humorous works, songs, short stories and phones. Together with Todor Borov, he published three volumes collected works by Hristo Saintly. BIB.: Sofia, 1930; SMA and Zlotk, Sofia, 1931; Humor and satire, Sofia, 1938; Humor and satire, kn. And, Sofia 1946; Short stories and phylets, Sofia, 1947; Selected verse, short stories and phyelets. I have been. and order. A. Todorov and V. Izmirliev, Sofia, 1955; The ultimate element. I have been. and order. A. Todorov and V. Izmirlyev, Sofia, 1975. Lit.: VL. Petrov, FOM FOMIC, “CHOK”, no. 12, Sofia, 4. ⅻ 1935; Tom Imirliev, “Ventory Sheet”, Sofia, Negamying Laboratory in Isiis at the time of the Second Balkan Sewing 1947; D. Karislavov, Thomas Imirliev – FOM FOMIC, “Plumak”, No. 18, Sofia, 1968; M. Nikolov, a talanty saticharetaryfasist, “literary front”, в “- 46, Sofia, 1955; A. Todorov, seen writer-humorist, “Literary Front”, no. 38, Sofia, 17. IX 1970; The same, the person of humorista. 80 years from the Rozen of Tom Izmirliev, “Workbook”, No. 252, Sofia, 1975. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИЗМИРЛИЕВ, Тома Димитров

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