Ivanov, Mikhail (Prilep, 19. ⅷ 1864 – Sofia, 19. 1924) – Doctor-bacteriologist. He graduated from the Medical Faculty in Zurich (1891), after which he worked as a military doctor in Sofia (1891-1892). In Germany, he specialized bacteriology at Robert Koch (1893) and in I. I. Misenkov and E. Ru at the pasture institute in Paris (1896). He was founder and head of the Bacteriological Institute in Sofia (1893 & 1920) and an editor of the SP. “Medical Program” (1900 & 1902) and “Bulgarian doctor” (1905 & 1915 and 1921 & 1924). He was a member of the Supreme Medical Council (1909 & 1912) and his president (1924). He is credited with the protection of the population from cholera, petal typhus and infectious diseases. Formed a moving laboratory for examining patients from infectious diseases. In the Balkan Wars (1912 & 1913) was an epidemiologist and bacteriologist in the first independent army. The first in Bulgaria produced an anti-qualitarian serum, and in the First World War (1914 & 1918) organized the production of a counterclock vaccine for the entire Bulgarian army. He is the author of several papers in the field of bacteriology and epidemiology. He discovered a vbrella bearing his name (Vibric Ivann). Because of his antimonarchistic determinations, he was composed of the authorities. Lit.: Dr. Mikhail Mircev Ivanov, “Bulgarian doctor”, No. 3, Sofia, 1924; Dr. Mikhail Ivanov, “Chronicles of Doctors”, No. 7-8, Sofia, 1924. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВ, Михаил