Ivanov, Jovan Milanov

Ivanov, Jovan Milanov (Skopje, 4. ⅴ 1935 – Skopje, 3. IX 1993) – Ophthalmologist, prof. of honey. f. Upon completion of honey. f. (1960) and specialization of Ophthalmology (1965), worked on the Eye Clinic in Skopje. PhD in Belgrade (1979), Primaryius became in 1981, and since 1986. Professor of Ophthalmology. In 1976 He performed Heterransplant of the corpus witrum of a man with Vitrius from the eye of the endemic fish Salmo Lake from Ohrid Lake. P. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАНОВ, Јован Миланов

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