Ivan ⅱ Assen (? -1241) – Bulgarian king (1218-1241), the ruler of the second Bulgarian Empire, the most prominent representative of the family Asenovci family. He led a labing policy between the Latin Empire, the Epirus state and the Roman Kurija. After winning the army of the Thessaloniki King Theodore ⅰ an angel in the battle of the cottage (1230) overpowed territories from the Black to the Aegean and the Adriatic Sea. Under his authority, Macedonia has fallen (except Thessaloniki with the surrounding area). He elevated the Bulgarian church in the rank of Patriarchate (1235). He was fighting against the Latin Kingdom and against Nikea. In his day, Bulgaria became the strongest state in the Balkans. The fresco of the Bulgarian king Ivan Assen ⅱ, the ousted temple “Zograf”, Mount Athos (1817) Lit.: I. Dycev, King Ivan Asen ⅱ, Sofia, 1941; I. Bozhov, the family of Asensvci, Sofia, 1985. K. Ag. Ivan from Kicevo – Builder of the Church “St. Atanasius “in Rilevo (1627), Prilep. It is mentioned in the metrical inscription, as “Master Ivan from Kiceva”. He collaborated with the painter Ion from the vernic. Lit.: M. Koki, records and inscriptions, Proceedings for historu Southern Serbije and the Disbudier Areas, and, Skopje, 1936, 271. M. M.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИВАН Ⅱ Асен