Isaiah Russia

Isaiah Russia (diecesis of the Lypilian bishopric in Kosovo, between 1300 and 1310 – the Holygular Monastery of St. Panteleimon, after 1375) – monk, Serbian diplomat and writer. Leaving the father of Father Georgi and mother Kalina, he first monsted in the Osogovo monastery of Kriva Palanka, where he started the literary activity, and then left Mount Athos near the abbot Arsenius in the Hilendar monastery (before 1330). After his death (the middle of 1348), with his disciple, Silvester went in lawyer in the Holygus Monastery “St. Paul, and then in the Holygus MonasterySt. Panteleimon”, where he was an abbower for 20 years. It collapsed several places (between 1353 and 1363). He had the trust and affection of Serbian ruler Stephen Dushan. He dealt with a translation activity. Since its activity was closely related to the administrative unit of the Serve state, it is known as Russia. At the request of the Russian Metropolitan Theodosius, translated the works of pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite (1371). As a proverb to the translated “aeropagging”, he left his chronicle short story about the consequences in Macedonia after the Maric battle (26. IX 1371), in the literature known as the “short story of the destruction of Macedonia from the Turks in 1371.”. Lit.: Archemium. N. DUCHY, Monography Hilandara, V. Liberation Starce Isaije Whoi Jivio U ⅹⅳ Vieku, “Magical Serbian Student Companies”, Kniga 56, Belgrade, 1884, 63-77; C. Moshinis, Zhiti Starce Isaias, Iguman Rouszskago Monastery of Aphone, “Zehunct Rouszskago Archusko Ostiches in Koroboska Ágoslavies,” Tom ⅲ, Belgrade, 1940, 125-167; Mihajlo Georgievski, Isaiah Russia and his historical-literary short story for translating religious books from Greek to Slavic and the enslavement of Macedonia from the Turks in 1371, “modernity”, JJVI, 4-5, Skopje, 1976, 299-302; ™ trifron, Pisac and translation ICO Isaiah, Krusevac, 1980, 6977; Krasimir Stanchev, the Arreopagite Corps in the translation of Isaia® Serar. Archeographic stamps, “archographic articles”, 3, Belgrade, 1981, 145-152; Gjorgji Pop Atanasov – Ilija Velev – Maja Jakimovska, creators of the Macedonian literature IX-century, Skopje, 2004, 141-151. S. Ml. Ion Isaaya

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИСАИЈА СЕРСКИ

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