Ini (1957), was on research stays in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sofia, Moscow, Leningrad and Paris. The abstracts participated in many scientific gatherings in the country and abroad. He was a member of various editions, chief editor of the SP. The “messenger” of the INI and Director of Ini (1986 to retirement of 1. ⅳ 1987). He is one of the co-authors of the first “history of the Macedonian people” (Skopje, 1969) and arried the selected works by Anastas Mitrev and Dimo Hadzi Dimov. He was a member of the Republic Commission for Cultural Relations with abroad and the Yugoslav National Committee for Balkanology, a delegate from Yugoslavia at the International AISSE International Bureau, a member of the Yugoslav Attaining Committee in the history of the cultural and scientific development of humanity of UNESCO, etc. He was elected correspondent (22. ⅹⅰⅰ 1976) and a regular member (24th 1981) of MANU. He published a number of scientific papers and collected works in five volumes (1987). BIB.: Teaching movement in Macedonia (1893-1912), Skopje, 1962; Political parties and organizations in Macedonia (1908-1912), Skopje, 1965; Young Turk Revolution and Macedonia, Skopje, 1968; Jane Sandanski, Skopje, 1968; Strumica and Strumica through history, Strumica, 1969 (with co-author); The national question in the Macedonian liberation movement, Skopje, 1974; Ilinden Uprising in Macedonia in 1903, Skopje, 1978; Macedonia and Macedonians in the years of the eastern crisis 1876-1878, Skopje, 1978; Dimitar Vlahov, life and work, solemn gathering dedicated to Dimitar Vlahov, Skopje 1979; Historia is a populite Malithonas, Cup, 1983. The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization and Unsforcism (1904-1905), Skopje, Jane Sandanski (1872-1915), Skopje, 1985; Macedonian liberation work in ⅹⅰⅹ and ⅹⅹ century, Skopje, 1987: Volume 1. The national question in the Macedonian liberation movement (1893-1903); Volume 2. Ilinden uprising; Volume 3. The internal Macedonian revolutionary organization and infertivism (1904-1908); Volume 4. Political parties and organizations in Macedonia (1908-1912); Jane Sandanski, Bitola, 1988; Macedonia in the Balkans ⅹⅳ-century, historiographical coordinates, Skopje, 1989; Jane Sandanski and Miss Stone, Skopje, 1992; Macedonia and the Balkans in the Petrograd magazine “Contemporary” (1912-1913), Skopje, 1995; Macedonian movement in Western Europe in 1903, documents, Skopje, 1995. Lit: 50 years Institute for National History 1948-1998, Skopje, 1998, 68-77; Manol Pandevski 1925-1998. Monument, MANU, 1998. S. Ml. Pandeski, Nikola Borisov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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