Malkovski, Gjorgji (Veles, 24. 1957) – Historian, scientific advisor and full professor at the Institute for National History in Skopje. Elementary school and high school finished in his hometown (1976), and then graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje – a group of history (1 ⅹ 1980), where he also mastered with the topic “The activity of the Bulgarian Prophasian Organization Braniak in Macedonia 1941-1944” (7. ⅲ 1989) And he received his PhD with the topic “Prophaslist and collaborative organizations and groups in Macedonia 19411944” (December 1994). Works in INNA (from 1 ⅹ 1981) as a researcher of Macedonia at the time of World War II. He is the author of a number of monographic papers. BIB.: Veles and Veles at the National Liberation War 1941-1945. Memorial of the dead fighters in new and victims of the fascist terror from Veles and Veles, Titov Veles, 1985 (with co-author); Monopoly in Veles 1919-1945, Titov Veles, 1988; Fight for Freedom, Titov Veles, 1989; Sveti Nikole and Svetilosko from 1912 to 1945, Sveti Nikole, 1990; They lived, struggled and killed in the whirlwind of the Revolution 1941-1945, a memorial book of the dead fighters and victims of the fascist terror from Sveti Nikole and Sveti Nikole, Sveti Nikole, 1990 (with co-author); The Bulgarian Fascist organization “Bumper” in Macedonia (1941-1944), Skopje, 1992; Propacist and collaborative organizations and groups in Macedonia 1941- 1944, Skopje, 1995; Kriva Palanka and Krivopalanko throughout history, Kriva Palanka, 1996 (with co-authors); Vinica and Vinica, Vinica, 1998; Demir Kapija, Demir Kapija, 1998; National Movement in Veles from 1919 to 1931, Veles, 1998; Jovce Dzipunov and his activity from 1919 to 1931, Veles, 1998 (with co-author); Trajko Andreev-Petkanovski 19191943, Veles, 1998 (with co-author), Lower Banjica – Asagi Bunite is more lean, Kocani, 2000; Caska through history, Caska, 2001; Municipality of Zelenikovo, Zelenikovo, 2001; Balist, Skopje, 2002; Political parties and organizations in Macedonia in World War II 1941-1944, Skopje, 2002; Gorno Lisice-Skopje, Skopje, 2002; Kisela Voda in World War II 1941-1944, Skopje, 2003. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МАЛКОВСКИ, Ѓорѓи