Ignovski-Sekula, Paul

Ignovski-Sekula, Paul (Tersions, Veleski, 2. XI 1921 – Skopje, 18. ⅻ 2002) – a participant in the workers and communist movement in the National Movement and the NOB, the holder of the Partisan Monitor 1941. During 1942 and 1943 he was a fighter of partisan units “Pere Toshev”, “Dimitar Vlahov”, “Good Daskalov”, the Battalion “Straso Pindzur” and the second battalion of the third oz, and in 1944. And a fighter of ⅱ, В, ⅶ and IX Brigade, where he occupied functions from the commander of the Commander of the Brigade. After the war is a MP in the Assembly of the SRM in several mandates. Lit.: Veles Partisan Squad 1942, Skopje, 1999. F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИГНОВСКИ-СЕКУЛА, Павле

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