I have entered, Dimitar and

I did not, Dimitar I. (Voden, 21. ⅰ 1876 – Sofia, 24. 1962) – Participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Vodensman Duke. He finished the Thessaloniki Exarchical High School and existed from trade. He was a delegate of the Thessaloniki Congress of TMORO (1903), a member of the headquarters of the second Thessaloniki revolutionary region in the Ilinden Uprising. Since 1905 He became Duke of Chief in Vodensky, fought with the Andartes. Exhibit. ILIT.: CDA, F. 1075, OP. 1, A.e. 26, l. 63; The elementary movement in Macedonia and Oral – Memories and Materials, ⅰ, Jesjia, Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗАНЕШЕВ, Димитар И

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