
Hironomides (Typeonomida) – Double-like mosquitoes. Many are small, gentle and with thin wings. Appear in big swarms like clouds over waters. The larvae live in a water environment and are the main chironomide food for fish. The Dojran Lake is dominated by species Technomus Plumusus L., whose larvae are large and red colored, after which they are easily recognizable. Lit.: Petar Angelovski, Jonce Sapkarev, Biljana Karaman, Sto Smiljkov, Smiljkov, Smilitatii Tsomposition and Luvantitatives relation of the Makrozoobenthos From Lacka Prespa, Year. CB. BILL., Skopje, 1994, 47: 5-21; Petar Angelovski, Jonce Sapkarev, Te Temposition and Distribution of OP CHRODOOMIDS (DYPERTORY: Typteromida) Oh Aegean Lakes, Year. CB. Biolet., Skopje, 1983, 36: 221-243. C. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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