Andreeva, Katina (Tina) Kuzmanova (Pseud. Colors) (v. Maiden, Kostur Region, 1928 – Peak Krusurje, over a black empty slope, in the unrest, among the villages of Neset and Tresje, Lerin, 13. ⅴ 1949) – a military commander and a hero of DAG. At the time of World War II, he was a member of the Greek anti-fascist youth organization Epon. The pseudonym bloom was given due to the interpretation of the eponymous character in the dramatic performance “Macedonian Bloody Wedding” by V. Chernodrinski, performed in the village. Embore, Kakalian (1944). Due to the later membership in NOMS and NOF (from the summer of 1945), a beastly tortured, but due to lack of evidence was released. Soon he went to the illegality and became a DAG fighter (6. IX 1946). He visited the course for NCOs in the village. Silts on PL. Gramos (early 1947), and then as a commander of Word participated in about 90 struggles on PL. Vicho, Gramos, in Signja, in cavalry and elsewhere. As a representative of the DAG brigade, it was a delegate in the presidency of the first conference of the Segree Union of Democratic Women (1949), and then the Second Congress as a representative of the partis from Vicho. Died in an attack on winning a strategic peak. He was elected by Order for courage and was declared a DAG hero. In her honor brigade leadership, he raised the release of the newspaper “Blooms”. Lit.: Fanña Butzkova, the heroine of Vicho and Gramos Tina Andreeva-Colors, “History”, IX, 2, Skopje, 1975, 34-42; Tasho Mamorovski, bright characters from Aegean Macedonia 1945-1949, Skopje, 1987, 116-120; The same, brave, but also cheerful partisanka. One reminder of Tina Andreeva-Colores (1928-1949), “Macedonia”, Jujv, 411, Skopje, June 1987, 25-26; The same, the favorite partisse. Tina Andreeva-Blooms, the heroine of Gramos and Vicho, “Defense”, ⅲ, 16, Skopje, March-April 1995, 42. S. Ml. Andreeva, Liljana Nikolova
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНДРЕЕВА, Катина