Hadzievski, Dragan (Galichnik, 5. ⅶ 1928) – Geophysician, Order. Prof. (1981) on PMF. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Group for Physics (1957) and Geophysics of the PMF in Zagreb (1961). Phmirst (1978) of PMF in Zagreb with theme for the physical characteristics of an earthquake hotspot. He specialized in Zagreb and Moscow. He maintained postgraduate teaching of Izis and PMF in Zagreb. Almost two decades, he managed the Seismological Observatory and gave the basic contribution to its establishment in a modern and competent institution with developed international cooperation. He analyzed earthquakes in Macedonia and Yugoslavia, made estimates of the magnitude of the expected tremors, pointed to the connection of earthquakes with the increased change in the depth of the Mosoribrician discontinuity, published in the country and abroad. He was a longtime editor of “Act Seistologica Yugoslavica”. Lit.: 60 Years Natural and Mathematical Faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, p. 455. V. Ur.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ХАЏИЕВСКИ, Драган