Gusev, Victor Evgenyevich (Mariupol, Ukraine, 2. 1918 – St. Petersburg, 2003) – Russian Slavist and Macedonian, folklorist, ethnographer, historian and theorist of art, literature and culture. Secondary and musical education ends in Gomel (Belarus), and high at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature in Moscow. The on-the-century activity begins in Moscow (1938) and as a volunteer participates in World War II (1941-1945). Ventor in the Chelibin Pedagogical Institute (1946-1955), Scientific Secretary at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkyn House) in Leningrad (1955-1969), a pro-rector of scientific activity at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (1969-1979) and professor At the Department of Philosophy and Aesthetics of the Academy of Theater Art in St. Petersburg. The candidate (1953) and the doctoral dissertation (1965) defend the Ethnography Institute. Regular member of the Academy of Humanitarian Sciences (1994). Author of a number of separate Slavic publications in the field of aesthetics and theory of folk art; The methodology and historiography of folklristics, ethnography and slavastics; The theory and methodology of the complex study of folklore; The history of the National Theater; The poetic work of the Slavic peoples in World War II, especially the Macedonian poetry of the Republic of Macedonia and Pirinski; Modern processes in folk culture. Participant in many national and international associations, scientific gatherings and congresses, including in Macedonia. As President of the Commission for Slavic Folklore at the International Committee of Slavists, publicly advocates the protection of the historical name and international recognition of the Republic of Macedonia (1992). BIB.: Problem Foolclore and histories, M.-l., 1963; ÏSPECTIC FOLDLORA, L., 1967; Alike Roussskogo National Teatra, L., 1977; Slavianese Partizan songs, L., 1979; Russian Folycloter’s theater ⅹⅴⅰⅰ – ча ⅹⅹ century, L., 1980; Ruska folk humanity culture. Theoretical dependents, STD., 1993; Wastelesslavian folclore. Slovaki Scientific and National Terminology Skyvortov, Minsk, 1993. Lit.: Victor Evgenyevich Gusev. Bibliographers of Scientific Labor (1941-1981). Sost. L. Ippova, L., 1984; Material meters of bibliographies Science Labor Victor Eaggenee Guseva, STD., 1997; M. œ. Melýz, V. E. Gusew cak foolclorrhclical. Evilee Studentogue, “Ruschical Folclor”, t. 25, L., 1989, 212-220; B. N. Putilov, Viktor Evgenyevich Gusev, “Slavneved”, 1, M., 1994, 124-125. Bl. R. Geese
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГУСЕВ, Виктор Евгенјевич