Greek-Italian war (1940 – 1941) – the first fascist military aggression during the Second World War in the Balkans. After the first military successes at the beginning of the war (1940), the Italian army was forced to withdraw deep in the Albanian territory. The Greek army annexed southern Albania (Argirokastro, Saranda, Moskopole and other places) where, except Albanians Christians (Toski), a Greek ethnic minority lived. Macedonians were massively mobilized and participated in battles in Pogradec, Ivan Mountain, gorge and elsewhere. Lit.: A. Vacalopoulos, Hindow de La Greece Mode, Paris, 1975; HR. Andonovski, Macedonians under Greece in the fight against fascism (1940-1944), Skopje, 1968. St. KIS.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet