Great Tumba.

Great Tumba. (v. Dobromiri) – Neolithic settlement. It is located near Crna Reka, 1.5 km north of the village. It is high 3 m with a basis of 210 x 100 m. In 1977 The Museum in Bitola carried out a test probe, where two horizontaes of living with the remains of burnt houses and objects of the material and spiritual culture from the time of the Middle Neolith of Velisko-Materodin Cultural Group (ⅲ-IV) were concluded. Especially interesting dishes-altar-shaped house, which, according to the applied art conception, are distinguished from the previous models in the maternity and other settlements in this part of Pelagonija. Lit.: Dragica Simoska – Vojislav Sanev, Neolithic in Central Pelagonia, Kata-Log, Bitola, 1976, 40. V. S. The Great Mother Goddess, Tumba in Madzari, Skopje

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГОЛЕМА ТУМБА

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