Grbic, Miodrag

Grbic, Miodrag (Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 25. ⅻ 1901 – Bell-city, Serbia 30. ⅵ 1969) – archaeologist. He graduated and received a doctorate archeology at Charle University in Prague (1925). He worked at the National Museum in Prague and the Archaeological Institute, and since 1926 He worked in Belgrade, Skopje and Novi Sad. He explored the Neolithic in the Balkans, especially on Starchevo and the boiler. In Macedonia, he explored the sites: Gradiste, St. Erasmus over Ohrid Lake (1931-1932), along with Wiljem Uphzagt and Yomiodrago Grbic Han Fon Ricevitz, Zelenikovo (1950) and Tumba-Meral (1952). BIB.: Teller Greek and Roman plastics U National Museay U Boogradand, Belgrade, 1958; Birth, Bitolaj, 1960 (with P. Macic, B. Stalio, D. Simoska, Sh. Cast). D. Z.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГРБИЌ, Миодраг

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