Gjuzledv, Dimitar Hristov (Dojran, 10. ⅰ 1903 – Skopje, 1945) – Philosopher, High School and Political Deper. Primary education ended in his hometown, gymnasium in Stip, and the Faculty of Philosophy (Group Philosophy) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, Clone at the Belgrade University. He was one of the founders of the Macedonian youthful revolutionary organization in Skopje. The Skopje Student Process (1927) was sentenced to 20 years of Robbia. Under the pressure of the domestic and international public (the Association of Nations) is pardoned and released (1931), but with a ban to live and work in the then Vardar Banovina. He works as a gymnasium professor of philosophy and psychology, as well as Latin, German and French in Kikinda, Kralevo and Cacak and as a sub-lanet at the University of Subotica. Following the Slim of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, it is returned to Skopje and works on the doctoral dissertation “Szhopopenhauurova pragmatist criticism of Uma”, which defends the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb (1943) and publishes it in Croatian. At the end of 1942 been appointed Chief of Radio Skopje. After the liberation of Skopje, he was arrested as a “associate of the occupier” and the military court of ⅳ Military district was sentenced to death. BIB.: Bogomina Cao The first agrarian souls submitted in Europeans, “Our newspaper”, and, 1, Zagreb, 30. ⅲ 1937, 3-4; Szhopenhauurova pragmatist criticism of Uma (Stampao Dimitar Hristov Djuzelev), Zagreb, 1943, Croatian State Tickara U Zagglebbeb. Lit.: Ferid Muhic, Dimitar Hristov Gjuzlev and Hans-Georg Gadamer, in Rhu .: History of the ideas of the soil of Macedonia (book 11 of the Macro-culture history of Macedonia); Connecting the cut leaf, in: Schopenhauur’s pragmatist criticism of the mind, phototypical edition, Skopje, 1995. Mr. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃУЗЕЛЕВ, Димитар Христов