Gevgelija-Valandovo valley

Gevgelija-Valandovo valley – is located in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia. It extends in the meridian direction along the rows of Vardar in the length of about 30 km. The breadth ranges from 6-8 km. The valley is located between the mountain Kozuf from the west and the low mountains: Plaus, Bosk and Karbali from the East; The gorge Demir Kapija from the north and the Gypsy gorge from the south. Surface $ is 1,000 km². With Fakrov Reid (507 m) is divided into two parts: Gevgelija valley in the south and Valandovo valley to the north. The valley to the south to the city of Gumenjah in the Aegean part of Macedonia is known as Boyjia. After its occurrence, it is a tectonic valley, lowered along the limetary lines where more thermomineral springs occur. On one of them is built and the spa Negorci. The bottom of the valley or the flat part covers an area of ​​153 km², with an average altitude of 80 m. Here is the lowest point of the Republic of Macedonia, 43 m. The bottom of the valley is covered with thick plums of fluval material that plotted the tributaries of the Vardar River. The Gevgelija-Valandovo valley is one of the warmest in the Republic of Macedonia, which is because of the proximity of the Aegean Sea. The average annual air temperature is the largest and is 14.2 ° C, the annual, mains, mainly from Gevgelija and the village. Gevgelija valley of rainfall 694.6 mm, and the annual amount of temperature 5.201 ° C. In the valley, three city settlements were developed: Gevgelija, Valandovo and Bogdanci. Lit.: A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2003. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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