Geotectonic units in the Republic of Macedonia – The territory of the Republic of Macedonia belongs to 5 geotectonic units: Osogovo-Maleshevski massif, Vardar zone, Pelagonia massif, Western Macedonian zone and the tunal-scab zone. All units have generally S-J to the SSZ-SSE orientation and are limited by a regional character. Osogovo-Maleshevski massif (also known as Serbian-Macedonian massif) covers the eastern parts of Macedonia and is built by an undercambrian metamorphic complex (gneisses, midastists, amphibolites) and upper rifes-camp complex (basites and shale), and from relics from Paleozoic rocks, all passed with Herzide granitoids. The Vardar zone extends through the central parts of Macedonia, along the river Vardar. It is a geotectonic unit whose space in Jura was opened Earth’s crust and a narrow ocean was formed, which stretched from the Panonian basin north to south through a white city – southern Serbia – the valley of the river Vardar – Thessaloniki Bay. It is characteristic of the strong tectonation of Precambrian, Paleozoian, Mesozoic and Paleogen complexes, which occur in shells, and blocks dragged from ISI to ZZZ, as well as with the presence of an ocean type of crust (ultrafositi, gabbro, basalts, pelless sediments). The Pelagonija massif represents a central massif, with Fort of Horst-Antyklinorium, located between the Vardar zone and the Western Macedonian zone. It is built from the Precambrian lower complex of gneisses, midastists, amphibolites and granitoids, mixed and marble series. The Western Macedonian Zone covers Western terrains from Macedonia and is built by old-oological low-story rocks and herezy granitoids and Mesozoic sediments. Tsukali-scab zone, widespread in Albania, with a small part was developed at Debar. Lit.: N. Domurjanov, Mr. Petrov, lithostratographic and chemical characteristics of the Vardar Oceanic crust in the territory of Macedonia, “ⅻ Congress of geoslavia”, REC.1, OH-Reed, 1990; M. Arsovski, Tectonics of Macedonia, 1997; M. Arsovski, Tectunic map of Macedonia, 1998. N. Dum.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet