Gali, Butros Betros

Galah, Butros Butros (Bowro was formed in several museum icons from the Byzantine period with Bowro Ghali) (Cairo, 14. Xi 1922) Institutions, in urban churches and exceptional significance – Twenti-Egyptian Univ. Professor and Dippalists. Of the rich collection of thigh precious icons with relativity. Professor of the Museum of Macedonia are an ex-wen historical and stylistic continuing law and international relations Home hundred icons from the start-hithet, from the second half of the XI at the University of Cairo Cott of ⅹⅳ to the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. In by the end of ⅹⅳ c. Here they can (1949-1977). Minister of the Ohrid Gallery, which is seen significant works from the early renovation of the AR Egypt in the courtyard of the Church “St. Bo-ⅹⅴ to the middle of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Regio (1977-1991). Secretary-General Gorica Perviewta, is located-virtually collected, Icons of Nana UN (1992-1996), in whose mandate (in 1993) the organization commits Ultra Vires Act with the reception of the Republic of Macedonia in membership by formulating additional conditions (outside the envisaged in a member 4 of the Charter) – Continuation of the name negotiations with R Greece under the auspices of the organization and address under the provisional reference “FYROM”. He is the author of the “Peace Agenda”, which proposes modernizing the instruments for the preservation of international peace and security by defining the “Preventive Foreign Diplomacy” benchmark as inextricably linked to the parent / establishment of peace “(Paacemaking) and” keeping the Peace “(Paaceceeping). In 1992, on Recommendation from Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen – Co-presidents of the Managing Committee of the Conference on Yugoslavia, and on a proposal from the President of the Republic of Macedonia Kiro Gligorov, proposes to the UN Security Council to approve the sending of the Republic of Macedonia Group of the military, police and civilian personnel that would evaluate the situation on the ground and prepare a report on possible positioning a special peacekeeping mission in the Republic of Macedonia, ie to approve his proposal for expanding the mandate of UNPROFOR with positioning preventive presence of the UN on the border of the Republic of Macedonia With Ra and FRJ – UNPROFOR / UNPREDEP (first preventive peacekeeping mission). BIB.: Ghali B.B., agenda Fort Peace: Prevections Puzzle, Paacemaking and PeaceecEping, Report Off TePe SehareRS General Pursuent Tezen Tezomite BS Tezy Meethting Oh Tezhiti Croincel Zuzel of 31.01.1991, and / 47 / 277c / 277c 2411, 17.06.1992. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГАЛИ, Бутрос Бутрос

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