People’s musicMacedonian traditional music created and practiced through centuries-old periods in the past. It is mainly music that was related to life in rural areas. In ⅹⅰⅹ c. It started the more intensive development of the city folk culture, and in its framework and traditional city music. It was created in the usual traditional way, in oral road and anonymous, until the fifties of the last century, and then authorized songs from authors-individuals meet. The music of these two periods, created in different living conditions, has characteristic differences, both as function, and according to stylistic and total aesthetic features. In the village music folklore, female ritual songs are dominated, in which, in addition to the unison, a special hallmark is a two-lined border singing. It characterizes the uniformity and limited structures of the express elements: the space of the melody movement, shape, tone strings, metrobroman, etc. Similar features also have the instrumental village music, in which the music of self-maintaining instruments is most often practiced: guida, cavali, cavels, daduises, tamburi, zurles, cenies (heses), etc. For the characteristics of city music folklore in Macedonia, however, a crucial role had diametrically altered living conditions in urban areas, and above all developed communications, when in addition to mutual impacts within multinational coexistence, with its location Macedonia was found in the center of Expressive cultural influences from Western Europe to the East and vice versa. Hence, the high diversity, the high aesthetic achievement and wealth of Macedonian songs and gigs celebrated far in the world. Although Macedonian music folklore has largely held continuity with some of the old Macedonian music styles, part of the melodies were created under evident oriental influence, others under the influence of Western European traditions, and in third Macedonian elements are mixed with one and the other, Impact. But the impacts still cost the smaller part of the richness of the Macedonian music folklore. They represent part of the melodic branches that are located on a firmly Macedonian autochthonous tree that is self-recognizing and easily recognizable. F. M. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис НАРОДНА МУЗИКА

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