Female schools -. School institutions for separated education and education of female children. For a long time, the education of female children was neglected and took place separately from the education of males, as a result of understanding the subordinate role of women in society and family and morality. The first female schools in Macedonia are open around the middle of the ⅹⅰⅹ century: Veles (1858), Stip (1861) and Prilep (1865), later in other cities. In the seventies, about thirty such schools already worked. They were schools for elementary primary education. For the first female high school, however, the Thessaloniki women’s gymnasium, open in 1885/86. Such schools, a little later, are open in Skopje and Bitola. Separate education between male and female children is retained for some time after the liberation. Today, all educational institutions in the Republic of Macedonia are equally available for male and female children. Lit.: R. Cantarziev, history of education and educational in Macedonia, Skopje, 2002. K. Camb.
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