Electric power system of the Republic of Macedonia – Technological whole of power plants, EE lines, TS and electricity conversion devices in other species. According to the available data, the first power plant (with nominal power 44 knees) started operating in 1909. in Skopje. The second city with a built power plant was Bitola (1924). By 1940 Electricity was introduced in Veles, Vinica, Gevgelija, Gostivar, Demir Kapija, Kicevo, Kocani, Kriva Palanka, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Prilep, Prilent, Probistip, Strumica, Tetovo, Shtip and Radusa mine. The supply was mainly from local power plants. During that period, a 35 kW of HC “foam” to Skopje, 45 km long, was built, which began the construction of the transmission network. Other cities received electricity after 1945. In 1945 The total consumption of electricity was 14 GNG. Then there are years with a significant increase in consumption and with intensive construction of power plants. So there was a situation as in 2003. When registered: gross consumption 7215.5 GNG, the largest daily consumption 28,953 GNF (on 28. ⅻ 2003), the smallest daily consumption 14,150 gnj (of 2 ⅴ 2003), the highest daily load 1417 MT (at 28. ⅻ 2003 in 19,00h.), The smallest daily load 431 meters (at 2 ⅴ 2003 at 4 hours). In the same year, the total installed power in the TC was 1005 meters. 953.0 Gunn was entered. Total losses of electricity amounted to 1306.6 GNG. Lit: 50 years Macedonian Electric Power Company, Skopje, 1995; PE “Electric Power of Macedonia”, Skopje, 1999; Electric Power of Macedonia, CSO report, 2003. Dr. R. Products from the cables factory, Negotino
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet