Electric power network in the Republic of Macedonia

Electric power network in the Republic of Macedonia. – Composed of the parts with nominal voltages: 110, 150 (just a lead towards Greece), 220 and 400 sq. The main role of the 400 kg network is to connect the most significant production capacities with the largest consumer centers and provide appropriate connections to the adjacent EPS. Such links exist with the north and with the southern neighbor, is being built with the east and predicted with the west. Networks 110 and 400 kg are interconnected directly through interconnection auditransformers (with nominal power 300 mg), without the possibility of regulation of voltage under load. In the Republic of Macedonia there are no transformers with a transmission ratio 400/220 kv / sq. The 220 kW network creates a platform between HC “Vrutok” and TS “Skopje 1” and two interconnection water towards TC “Kosovo A”. The networks of 110 and 220 kg are interconnected through appropriate autotransformers in HC plant plants “Vrutok” and TS “Skopje 1”. Given the current role of the 220 kW network in the EES of the Republic of Macedonia and the orientation of the spread of the network of 400 sections, it does not envisage the construction of new objects with a nominal voltage of 220 sq. More years ago, the 110 kk network was a basic transmission network in the Republic of Macedonia. The development of the 400 kg network changed the role of the network of 110 sq. Thus, separate parts of the 110 kg network received a regional or local role. The distribution EE network contains a CN and NN section, and in some cases the Republic of Macedonia. The water supply of CH is with a nominal voltage of 10, 20 or 35 kg. Transformers between the HN and the SN network are by regulation of voltage under load. In the previous phase of the electrification, as a rule, transformations were used: 110/35, 35/10 and 10 / 0.4 kv / s. Later, in the areas of higher burdens, the application of transformations 110/10 and 10 / 0,42, ie 110/20 and 20 / 0,42 sq / sq. Lit: 50 years Macedonian Electric Power Company, Skopje, 1995; PE “Electric Power of Macedonia”, Skopje, 1999. Dr. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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