Dragomus, Ioannis

Dragomus, Ioannis (Athens, 2. IX 1878 – Athens, 31. ⅶ 1920) – Greek diplomat and politician, participant in the Greek-Turkish War (1897). He became Secretary of the Greek Consulate in Bitola (1902). Here he formed the Secret Organization “Amina”. He was later moved to the Consulate in Serez. He was one of the organizers of the armed phase of Greek propaganda in Macedonia. He actively participated in the Balkan wars and was in the Greek delegation in negotiations with the Turkish command for the surrender of Thessaloniki to Greece. Lit.: Gerasimos Augustinos, Consianos and Hysteros: Vationalist Critic Op Grease Society 1897-1914, Nanj Stork; Krste Bitoski, the activity of Pelagonija Metropolis 1878-1912, Skopje, 1968. D. Job.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДРАГУМИС, Јоанис

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