“Dont Yu FYROM ME – Sey Masedonia” – a protest campaign, initiated at 19. ⅲ 2004, organized by the Macedonian Center for Cultural Cooperation, Euro Balkans, the Institute of Macedonia, the Institute of National History, the Institute for Society research, OHO, Transparency – Macedonia, the Association of Historians, Open Society Soros – Macedonia, Other Institutions and Daily Newspapers. The campaign is a reaction to the instruction of the Executive Board to the Secretariat, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Congress of local and regional authorities, the European Court of Justice and Independent Monitoring Bodies of the Council of Europe, as well as their members of the documents they produce within their competencies to They use the references “FCOR”, (“Citizens of FROM, persons – members of minorities or spoken minority language outside the state,” “Slavo-Macedonian”). The campaign is organized because the instruction questioned the identity, tradition and culture of the Macedonian nation, contrary to international legal norms. It consists of distributing postcards on which the slogans are printed “Do not SO SSO MACEDONIA / CALL ME MSO – SAS MACEDONIA” The IDRESS of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (through the daily press and the non-governmental sector) for citizens to They express disagreement with the humiliating practice of the organization towards the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonians. Exhibition: “Dnevnik”, “Utrinski vesnik” and “Vest”, Skopje, 20. ⅲ 2004. T. Petr. Doncheva (Tacheva), Elena
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet