Donev, Doncho Metodiev

Donev, Doncho Metodiev (Stip, 25. Xi 1949) – Spec. After social medicine, regular prof. of honey. f. He completed medical studies in Skopje (1973), a specialist examination of social medicine (1981) and received his Ph.D. f. in Skopje (1993). He was the improvement in Atlanta, the United States (1993-1994, Hubert Humphrey Program), and then founded the Macedonian-American Alumni Association in Skopje (2000). Founder is the Department of Social Medicine (1994) and the Institute of Social Medicine (1997). Since 2005 It is named for the WHO National Associate for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. He published 140 expert-scientific papers and collaborated in 15 domestic and international expert publications. BIB.: Man’s health – definition, concept and content. How does the disease and natural flow of the disease occur. Modern concept and definition of health care, in: B. Nikodijevic, etc., contemporary diagnostics and therapy in medicine, Skopje, 2000, 5-19; GlossarS off Social Procedion Terms, Europane Tsomision Phare Coninsus Programme, 2000; Skopje Deptayion UN Public Haalth, Peace – Human Rigchts, “Croatian Medzzal Journal” (December 2001), 43 (2), Zagreb, 2002, 105-6, (Nitrog.CMI.HR); Tezhe Role And Organity of Haltch Catsums, in: V. Bjegigac – D. I brought Ed., Haaltk Czstems and Teir Evidice Based Development. Stabiliti PACT Fort South Easter Europez Haaltch Tsooperate, Lague, 2004, 17-46, (www.Shr / PHSEE); Revitalization Off Academic Medical Inn Into Macendonia – An Emergent Need, in: A. Marusic Ed., Revitalzateion of Acandematic Medicine, Zagreb, 2005, 136-49, (Nom.CMI.HR). D. D.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДОНЕВ, Дончо Методиев

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